Working in partnership
As a small, not-for-profit organisation, we know that we can’t do everything and can’t do it all at once, but we can do our bit.
In March 2023, we published our first Sustainability Plan. The first year of delivery was a big learning curve, and we focused as much on ‘how we do things’ as on ‘what we do’. Our grass-roots, employee-led programme captured the hearts and minds of our colleagues and proved sustainability is not just a nice thing but a must-have for MOSL. We have now developed the project into a company-wide programme, and this is being implemented at every level of the organisation.
As an organisation working in the water sector, we take our commitment to water efficiency and climate change seriously – it’s important to us that we ‘practice what we preach’ and do what we can to reduce our impact on the environment. We work closely with partners to make a bigger impact. In November 2023, we were awarded the Waterwise Checkmark for Offices, which recognises our commitment to water efficiency. In December 2023, we also published our first Carbon Baseline Report, outlining our carbon emissions for 2022 and our goals to reduce our emissions and improve the accuracy of our reporting. In April 2024 we published our Environmental Policy and will implement it from Q3 2024.
2024/25 Sustainability Plan
Since we launched our first Sustainability Plan, we’ve built some solid foundations and made good progress. This year we have set our new commitments in our 2024/25 Sustainability Plan. Some work packages are evolutions, some are bold new actions - but all of them support us in driving sustainability practices both within MOSL and beyond.
We are proud of the susntainability work we are doing. Recent highlights include becoming a Disability Confident Employer. Our Diversity Society and People Team also delivered inclusion training to all our people managers and just over half of colleagues have received Mental Health First Aid training.
You can find further information on all our deliverables in our 2023/24 Sustainability Report.
Chris Pond
Board Sustainability Sponsor
"I am thrilled to be the new Board-level sponsor for sustainability. When I joined MOSL, it was clear the organisation was passionate about doing good work – not only in terms of its business plan commitments but in terms of its responsibilities to colleagues, communities and its industry. I look forward to championing this good work as it develops and hopefully bringing others with us on the journey."
Lyvia Nabarro
Senior Leadership Team Sustainability Sponsor
"Last year we were inspired by the generosity of our colleagues and sustainability partners in sharing their time and expertise to help us learn and grow as an organisation. This year, we are setting out new commitments – some an evolution, some bold new action – to support us driving sustainable practices both within MOSL and beyond.”
What's next?
We’re incredibly proud of everything we have achieved, but this is just the start. We’re committed to continuing to roll out our employee-led wellbeing programme, improve our carbon reporting, and share our data dashboards and maps to help organisations make more informed water efficiency decisions.
Please follow us on social media, linked below, to keep up to date on our progress.