Local Authority Districts dashboard
This dashboard provides a national view of water resource zones that have limitations on new NHH connections and leverages our market insight to support engagement on the business water market at a local government level, supporting the need to consider business water needs and wider water scarcity in local planning.
- support a holistic approach to the delivery of local sustainability mitigation and targets, including the opportunity for the market to tap into local funding options
- flag the need to consider water scarcity in planning, identifying those NHH SPIDs located in areas where there are moratoriums on new connections due to water scarcity
- ensure retailers and NHH customers are considered when managing unplanned events at a local level, such as COVID, drought and flooding.
Users can search and view business supply points (SPIDs) and consumption by local government districts as well as by county, unitary or combined authority and local resilience forums. Data can also be sliced by wholesaler new NHH connections policy, including whether there is a moratorium or volume restriction in place for new NHH connection requests. Areas are coloured based on their level of water deficit and can be viewed by trading party (wholesaler or retailer), water resource zone or postal area.