Meter Reads dashboard

This dashboard provides a high-level overview of meter reads submitted to the market since 1 January 2017 with additional views providing insight into re-reads, customer reads, remote reads and wholesaler reads. Meter reads can be filtered by trading party, read method, read type, location of meter (inside or outside) and minimum read frequency (monthly or bi-annually). The first page provides an overview of meter reads by read date, trading party, read type and read method, the second looks in more detail at re-reads and the three additional tabs look specifically at customer reads, remote reads and Wholesaler reads. This data is accurate as of the first business day of the month and is updated on or before the 9th business day of every month. The About page provides more detail about each page, as well as administrative details such as version control and contact points. For further guidance on how to use this dashboard click here. For more information on meter reading activity click here.

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