Water Efficiency Sub-group
'Delivering greater water efficiency in the business sector'
Status: Active
Chair: Oli Shelley
Purpose: The sub-group oversees the development and delivery of an industry led Water Efficiency Action Plan, which will deliver improved levels of water efficiency in the non-household market for the benefit of all water consumers and the environment.
Headline Action 1: Develop a shared view with policy makers and regulators of the scale of short term and longer-term non-household water efficiency ambition
Wholesaler Lead: Andrew Tucker, Thames Water
Retailer Lead: Rosalind Carey, Business Stream
Headline Action 2: Improve understanding of the nature of non-household (NHH) water consumption through smarter use and better sharing of data
Wholesaler Lead: Emma McCabe, United Utilities
Retailer Lead: Richard Barton, Pennon Water
- MOSL dashboard
- MOSL Water Scarcity by Postal Sector map - also includes other water efficiency map views
- Examples of International, Business Relevant, Water Efficiency
- Potential role of NHH water use benchmarking in encouraging business water efficiency.
Headline Action 3: Improve engagement of retailers in the water resource planning process (Regional and WRMP24)
Wholesaler Lead: Aimee Shaw, Wessex Water
Retailer Leads: Lois Gill and Clare Galland, Everflow Water
Headline Action 4: Drawing on customer insight; identify and address wider regulatory and other relevant barriers to NHH water efficiency, including reviewing tariffs, targets, incentives and penalties
Wholesaler Lead: Andrew Tucker, Thames Water
Retailer Lead: Rosalind Carey, Business Stream
Headline Action 5: Collaborate to raise the profile of water efficiency with NHH businesses and their customers
Wholesaler Lead: Aimee Shaw, Wessex Water
Retailer Leads: Lois Gill and Clare Galland, Everflow Water