Wholesale Tariff Simplification Sub-group
Status: Active
Chair: James Lancaster
Purpose: To investigate how to simplify the existing primary tariff structure in the non-household water market.
The Wholesale Tariff Simplification Sub-group sought responses to a consultation that launched on 10 November 2023. It considered a number of options for changing the wholesale tariff landscape, specifically in relation to harmonising and simplifying the bands for wholesalers’ volumetric charges.
The report setting out the responses to the consultation and proposed next steps was published on 17 June 2024.
Metered Tariffs Good Practice Guide consultation
The sub-group is seeking feedback on a Good Practice Guide for the simplification and harmonisation of metered consumption bands.
This draft guide is the result of the phased consultation in 2023 that sought feedback on several options on metered tariff structures. Following refinement of the preferred options, the sub-group has proposed that volumetric consumption bands are aligned to a 'Tariff basket structure' with set thresholds, commencing from 1 April 2026.
You can download the draft guide and submit any feedback through the online form below:
The deadline for feedback is Friday 10 January.
If you have any questions, please email RWG@mosl.co.uk.