Code Change Committee Nominations
The Code Change Committee is responsible for recommending changes to the non-household water retail market rules to support effective competition, and bring about improved customer outcomes and sustainable customer benefit.
The Strategic Panel invited trading parties to nominate suitable candidates for the two retailer seats and one wholesaler seat on the Code Change Committee as the terms of office for these seats came to an end in February 2024.
The Strategic Panel sought applications from trading party candidates with experience in decision making at a senior level and with the ability to consider and prioritise changes that would better deliver against defined strategic outcomes.
The window to submit nominations was open from 9am on Monday, 30 October until 9am on Monday, 20 November 2023. Three nominations were received for the Retailer Member seats and two nominations were received for the Wholesale Member seat. The nominees' details can be found below.
Following the Code Change Committee Nomination Committee shortlisting meeting on Tuesday 5 December 2023 all five nominated candidates were invited to interview in January.
Strategic Panel Decision
The Strategic Panel have appointed the following Code Change Committee Trading Party members:
- Euan Mitchell (Castle Water) - Retailer
- Matthew Glover (Wave Utilities) - Retailer
- Michael Rathbone (Severn Trent Water)
The two year term of office for the above members commenced on 1 March 2024.
The Strategic Panel would like to thank trading parties for submitting nominations for these vacancies.
If you have any questions, please contact