Adam Richardson

Strategic Panel Secretary

Adam Richardson

Adam has over 20 years’ experience in industry code governance and market design in the utilities sector.

Prior to joining MOSL in 2017, Adam was Strategy and Market Advisor at ELEXON, the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Company for the electricity market. 

Adam joined the electricity industry as competition rolled-out to household customers. He contributed to the implementation of the performance assurance framework and the industry audit for electricity settlement. He subsequently led the evolution and improvement of these services to introduce a risk-based assurance and audit framework through the early 2000’s.

He was involved in the introduction of the New Electricity Trading Arrangements in 2001 and the consolidation of the GB electricity markets in 2005 via the British Electricity Trading and Transmission Arrangements.

Between 2003 and 2009, Adam was the chair of the trading disputes committee and the vice chair of the performance assurance board for GB balancing and settlement.

Adam has worked extensively with industry groups and committees, leading experts to improve market rules and frameworks. As the BSC Panel Secretary from 2010 to 2015, Adam led reviews of BSC governance. He also led work responding to the findings of the Competition and Markets Authority’s energy market investigation in 2016 and Ofgem’s Code Governance Review.

As Director of Market Development Adam leads MOSL’s code governance, and market change services. He is also the market codes Panel Secretary, supporting industry self-governance through the Panel, its committees and subgroups. He continues to focus on driving improvements to market governance and market rules to tackle the challenges facing the water market and support better outcomes for customers.

Adam Richardson

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