Meter Reads

Regular meter reading is key to ensuring customers are billed correctly. The process for reading meters is defined in CSD 0202: Meter Read Submission: Process

As of 01/08/2024, the total number of meter reads since market open is 23,447,954 with 56.06% of those being visually read and 33.47% being remotely read.

MOSL publishes monthly meter reading reports that show the numbers of reads submitted each month by each trading party.

View Meter Reads dashboard

Meter Read maps

The interactive maps below show proportion of total valid reads (excluding estimated) taken in the last 12 months by meter read method, either remote or customer, by postal sector and water wholesaler operational boundaries. These maps will be updated each quarter and will give and an indication of the progress of smart meter deployment across the country and customer engagement with their water consumption.

Customer Read Rates by Postal Sector

Percentage of total valid reads that are Customer Reads in each of English and Welsh Postal Sectors


Remote Read Rates by Postal Sector

Percentage of total valid reads that are Remote Reads in each of English and Welsh Postal Sectors


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