NHH waste water volumes by postal sector

This searchable map presents a colour scale view of waste water volumes from non-household supply points for each of the 9,000+ postal sectors in England and Wales. Waste water includes both foul and surface water sewerage. Map segments visualised with darker shading denote postal sectors with higher total volume bandings. Starting from a general national overview, you can zoom in on a particular geographical zone. The urban areas will appear much clearer. Clicking on a specific shape on the map will highlight the postal sector’s borders and display a pop-up showing textual information such as the location name, the postal sector itself, the number of supply points within it and its average sewerage consumption expressed in litres per day. The map uses data extracted from CMOS. Sewerage volume is based on the best view of consumption from CMOS settlement averaged across the previous 18 months. Postal sector-level totals are obtained by aggregating supply point and consumption data for each supply point postcode address. This map is updated quarterly. Last update 15/11/2024 09:45

Notes: click >> to view the legend and +- to zoom in/out; type a name or a postal reference in "Find address or place" to search a specific location.

Interactive map showing a coloured scale view of the levels of sewerage consumed by non-household supply points for each postal sector in England and Wales.

Postal Boundaries © GeoLytix copyright and database right 2012 Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2012 Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2012 Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2012. GIS vector data. This dataset was first accessioned in the EDINA ShareGeo Open repository on 14 March 2014 and migrated to Edinburgh DataShare on 22 February 2017.



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