Water Body and Meters map

This interactive map shows Water Bodies across England coloured depending on the number of non-household water meters, alongside Water Company operational boundaries. It allows users to search specific locations of interest and view further information on the Water Body, including the Water Body name, the number of non-household meters located within the Water Body, Ecological Health Status and the Surface Water Management Catchment (SWMC) and Water Company region the Water Body centroid is located within. The Ecological Health Status is an assessment taken from Defra's Plan For Water and expressed in percentage value where 0% is worst and 100% is best. It is grouped in five bands: 0%-5%, 5%-10%, 10%-25%, 25%-50% and 50%-100%. Last update 29/12/2023 11:35

Users can search and zoom into specific locations of interest and click on the map for further information.

Catchment and River Health map

Catchment dashboard

Notes: click >> to view the legend and +- to zoom in/out; type a name or a postal reference in "Find address or place" to search a specific location.

Interactive map showing Water Bodies across England coloured depending on the number of non-household water meters.


Operational company contained within this map is provided by Ofwat, Surface water management catchment (SWMC) boundaries are defined as part of the Water Framework Directive and provided by the Environment Agency with further detail on SWMC ecological status taken from Defra Plan for Water Fig 2. MOSL gives no warranty and accepts no responsibly or liability for the accuracy of completeness of the information on this website. We will not be liable for any reliance on the information on this website or for the non-availability of the website. The boundaries shown are indicative and are not intended to be used at the individual premise level. MOSL takes no responsibility for determining supply boundaries. For specific queries relating to supply please contact the relevant water companies directly.

Postal Boundaries © GeoLytix copyright and database right 2012 Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2012 Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2012 Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2012. GIS vector data. This dataset was first accessioned in the EDINA ShareGeo Open repository on 2014-03-14 and migrated to Edinburgh DataShare on 2017-02-22.

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