Trading party performance

The Market Performance Framework (MPF) is used to monitor trading parties’ performance in key areas, such as providing timely meter reading and processing switching requests, ensuring the market operates effectively for customers.

MOSL provides monthly reports on two main types of standards found within the MPF. Please note that the charts shown are currently undergoing review.

Market Performance Standards (MPS)

The Market Performance Standards (MPS) are designed to ensure market data is entered into our central system and to assist in the onboarding of new customers.

As of 01/06/2024, last months overall MPS score for the market is 95.4% and the overall tasks last month are 708,956.

A full list of Market Performance Standards, as well as related charges and timescales, can be found in CSD 0002.

MPS Dashboard

Operational Performance Standards (OPS)

The Operational Performance Standards (OPS) track the progress operational service requests from retailers to wholesalers covering areas, including metering, supply check, and complaints.

OPS are defined as SLAs within Schedule 1 Part 3 (Operational Terms) of our Market Codes and are hand-picked from a much larger list of SLAs to be more closely reported on.

As of 01/03/2024, last months overall OPS score for the market is 98.25% and the overall tasks last month are 1,312.

A full list of Operational Performance Standards, as well as related charges and timescales, can be found in CSD 0002.

The Bilateral Transactions Programme which is currently underway aims to create a central platform to facilitate and track the creation and completion of operational service requests. This will enable MOSL to track and report on every process within the Operational Terms.

OPS Dashboard

Retailer Measure of Experience (R-MeX)

The Retailer Measure of Experience (R-MeX) survey evolved from a Retailer Wholesaler Group (RWG) workstream, which began in August 2018. Its purpose is to provide a quantitative measurement of wholesaler service to their retailer(s).

The R-MeX consists of eight questions covering topics such as engagement, incident communication, and data quality, asking retailers to provide a score between 0-10 with the option to provide additional feedback via a text field.

More information can be found in CSD 0002, section 6.4.

R-MeX Dashboard


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