As detailed in this consultation MOSL is seeking input on potential solutions to resolve challenges in regards to:
- Quorum - the two-thirds of each membership category needing to vote (regardless of whether they vote in favour or against) is high compared to other organisations, and risks votes that are strongly supported failing each time
- Membership categories - the three membership categories no longer reflect the different types of members, notably there is no category for self-supply members, or NAVs, and retailers are still divided into two arbitrary categories
- Vote share - whilst the one-member vote principle is important, the current membership structure means that the vote share no longer bears any resemblance to market share and therefore is not representative of the customer base.
The consultation also outlines potential new structures for the way in which directors are elected to the Board.
Whilst the consultation sets out potential solutions for consideration, it provides an opportunity for trading parties to feedback and recommend alternative solutions. We encourage all trading parties to feedback on the potential changes which will inform the direction of the market over the coming years.
The Membership Review consultation can be found here and will run until 30 September. Whilst we have provided a Microsoft Word version of the questions, we ask that trading parties submit one response through the online platform.
MOSL will publish the anonymised responses from the consultation as part of our commitment to transparency.
If you would like to discuss the review in more detail or have any questions, please contact