On Friday 12 November, industry leaders from across the water retail market gathered at the Institute of Directors to attend MOSL’s annual CEO Forum in London.
The theme of the day was ‘It’s time to act’ – reflecting on the need to act to resolve known challenges and frictions in the market four and a half years on from market opening.
At the forum we welcomed 50 CEO members and key stakeholders. The event was split into three parts with presentations in the morning session led by MOSL Board Chair Anne Heal, MOSL CEO Sarah McMath and Interim Ofwat CEO David Black. After the break there was a workshop led by Defra on their Post Implementation Review of the regulations that opened up the market and a presentation by Strategic Panel Chair, Trisha McAuley.
In the afternoon members of the MOSL senior leadership team introduced the key themes and objectives from MOSL's draft 2022-25 business plan which will be published for member consultation in January. MOSL then held workshops on the proposal for a central data cleanse and the review of the Market Performance Framework (MPF) which is underway.
For full transparency, we are publishing the outputs of the forum, including the recording, and live poll responses. The responses to the questions asked during the Q&A session are also available to download.
We will be looking to hold the next CEO Forum in November 2022 with ‘save the dates’ to follow.
CEO Forum outputs
Anne Heal, Chair of MOSL Board
Sarah McMath, MOSL CEO
David Black, Interim CEO, Ofwat
Mike Keil, Director of Policy, Research, and Campaigns, CCW
Davide Minotti, Deputy Director Water Services, Defra
Trisha McAuley OBE, Independent Chair of the Panel and Strategic Panel
Steve Formoy, Finance Director, MOSL
Philip Marsden, Non-executive Director, MOSL Board
John Davies, CIO MOSL and Jo Dow, CEO Business Stream
Adam Richardson, Market Development Director, MOSL
Event Close - Sarah McMath and Anne Heal
If you have any questions or feedback on the videos, please email the Communications Inbox