Today MOSL has published its Quarter 2 report for its key performance indicators (KPIs) and improvement programmes for 2022/23.
The reports show stable performance across our core services and notable deliverables in the second quarter for our 2022-25 Business Plan commitments.
Click here to access the Q2 Report.
Following the successful introduction of a new PowerBi KPI dashboard last quarter, we have now developed our Quarterly Report in the same format. This will make it easier for our members to view our performance across our improvement programmes and four service areas.
Watch our highlights video.
Within the Quarterly Report we have also, for the first time, included overview of the progress within the improvement programmes from the programme leads.
We want to make sure that these reports provide the information you want to see and provide overall value to the market. To help trading parties use the new format, we will be providing a demo and overview of the report at this month’s User Forum.
We welcome all feedback on our reports, please email
All of our quarterly updates can be found on our Quarterly Reports webpage.