As the non-household water market represents approximately 30 per cent of water consumed in England, we welcomed the opportunity to comment on the draft UK Water Efficiency Strategy from Waterwise.  

There is a significant opportunity for non-household customers to contribute towards the reductions in water demand that will be needed to secure future water supplies in the face of a changing climate and growing population. We were pleased to see this reflected in several places in the strategy.

We welcome the change to the vision for the strategy, so it clearly reflects the diverse range of non-household water customers that is wider than just businesses and includes schools, community groups and charities. Sectors such as education and leisure can play a significant role in reducing demand but opportunities to use water more efficiently may still be untapped.

We are supportive that strategic objective ten focuses on reducing non-household demand. However, we believe it is important this does not become an isolated or standalone objective and that the opportunity to improve water efficiency for non-household customers is considered as part of all the strategy objectives.

Our full response can be found here. If you have any questions on it, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 


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