Today MOSL has published its Annual Market Performance Report (AMPR) for 2023/24 which reviews trading party performance and assurance over the financial year.
This is the sixth AMPR produced since the market opened – and possibly the last in this format as we will see performance reporting embedded in the reformed Market Performance Framework (MPF).
Over the last year trading parties managed to maintain or improve their performance against several metrics, such as the Retailer Measure of Experience (R-Mex) and data quality.
We are pleased to have seen improvements in the market in a range of areas. This includes:
- The Retailer Measure of Experience (R-MeX) shows an increase in wholesaler performance – The R-MeX has shown a 3.86 increase in wholesaler performance scores. This year, the R-MeX aligned with the pilot for the Business Customer and Retailers Measure of Experience (BR-MeX), which will incorporate the customer’s perspectives into the metric.
- Data quality has improved significantly - The report shows improvements in data quality, which is critical to operational efficiency and positive customer and environmental outcomes. The increase in the quality of supply points’ asset and premises information is being driven through the Data Assurance Service being led by MOSL.
- Trading party case studies – This year, we highlight Anglian Water and Castle Water for their performance efforts which have been reflected in the R-MeX scores and the holistic reports.
The report also evidences areas where performance could still improve:
- Meter read performance – Wholesaler and retailer metering performance has dropped. Timely and accurate meter reads are key to settlement calculations, allowing customers to be billed for the water they actually consume.
- Market audit findings - MOSL carried out four audits: Wholesaler Data Completeness, Bilateral Deferrals; Yearly Volume Estimates (YVE); Skip codes. Our internal audit service highlighted areas that need to greater focus by trading parties. The findings of each audit can be found on pages 9 - 11 of the report.
Adam Richardson, MOSL’s Market Development Director, said: “This year’s AMPR is the sixth report reviewing wholesaler and retailer performance - from data quality to Legacy Long Unread Meters (LLUMs).
I am pleased that a number of parties have already taken positive action as a result of the enhanced focus MOSL has placed on settlement variations and estimation accuracy through our new settlement parity dashboard, available on My MOSL.
As we move into 2024/25, it’s positive to see work on the Market Performance Framework (MPF) Reform progressing at pace, with strong trading party collaboration. I look forward to our continued work with the market, trading parties, as well as the new Performance Assurance Committee (PAC) as we continue to drive market performance for the benefit of business customers.”
Copies of all previous AMPRs can be found here, including an accessible version of the report.
If you have any questions on the report, please email