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MOSL has published its 2024-27 Business Plan for consultation, the first plan informed by our new three-year strategy.

The plan continues to be built around our core service delivery and improvement programmes, setting out how we will ‘perform as market operator and transform the market we operate’.

Our proposed 2024/25 budget is £13,740k. Of this, £13,640k will be funded through Market Operator (MO) charges and £100k from reserves. A further £550k of spend is proposed for the Data Assurance Service (previously Data Cleanse Service), funded by wholesalers only.

Our priority for 2024/25 is to complete the design and build of the new Market Performance Framework (MPF) – following substantial progress made this financial year. Work will focus on the detailed design and implementation of the reformed MPF across five phases, with a view to ‘go live’ in April 2025. This work will be closely coordinated with the development of enhanced Bilaterals reporting and data quality assurance scorecards, both of which will be essential to the effectiveness of the future framework.

The plan sets out five key improvement programmes, all of which are a continuation of work already underway. These include:

  • Market Performance Framework Reform
  • Strategic Metering Review
  • Data Assurance Service
  • Modernisation of Market Systems
  • Bilateral Transactions Programme

This year, we have also set out a number of other activities, aligned to our new strategic priorities, which we will undertake preparatory work on in 2024/25. This includes working with Ofwat to further strengthen the Supplier of Last Resort arrangements in the event of trading party failure, exploring the potential to create a single customer view within CMOS to tailor services and water efficiency offerings, the development work for the Business Customer and Retailer Measure of Experience (BR-MeX) as well as exploratory work on tariffs and settlement – recognising these are two emerging market priorities.

In publishing the draft plan, CEO of MOSL, Sarah McMath said “This is an ambitious plan in terms of what we are seeking to deliver. Getting the Market Performance Framework Reform delivered is our priority and is dependent on a number of other programmes of work we have outlined. We think we have an opportunity to truly make a positive impact on the functioning and efficiency of the market if we get this right, now.

We also know that there are emerging priorities based on conversations with our members. We will ensure we continue to progress these, where we can, while recognising that MOSL and the market only has so much resource and capacity for change. While our plan shows a 12% increase on last year’s charges, this has been driven predominantly by one-off additional costs on Market Performance Framework Reform and inflationary pressures.

I look forward to hearing from trading parties and stakeholders on this draft plan, which has been heavily informed by our engagement with the market over the past 12 months.”

The draft plan is open for consultation from 15 January to 29 January.

If you have any questions on the business plan or have issues accessing the online consultation form, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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