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MOSL has today published its 2024-27 Business Plan for members to vote on.

The plan sets out MOSL’s commitments to its core service delivery and five key improvement programmes with a one-year budget and three-year lookahead.

In setting out the original plan, we recognised the cost-challenging environment and the need for all parties to balance investment with affordability. Cost efficiencies are embedded in our annual business planning, which we seek to drive through the provision of our core services and systems.

In our draft plan, we proposed an increase of 12% on the previous year’s Market Operator (MO) charges, which was driven predominantly by additional costs for delivering the Market Performance Framework Reform and inflationary pressures.

We also set out £550k of costs for the Data Assurance Service, which is subject to a separate vote from the annual budget and funded by wholesalers only in 2024/25, in line with code change CPM050: Data Cleanse Funding.

Whilst the majority of respondents expressed support for our plan, we recognise concerns raised particularly around the level of cost increase and the Data Assurance Service.

In response to consultation feedback, we have made limited reductions in costs across both the annual budget and the wholesaler-only funded element of the Data Assurance Service.

Our proposed MO charges for 2024/25 are now £13,530k (a reduction of £110k), representing an 11% increase on 2023/24, and a 1% reduction from our draft plan.

These cost reductions include:

Main budget – we have reduced the cost of the Data Assurance audits to £140k (a reduction of £70k). We have also reduced other core costs by £40k, through a range of small savings.

Wholesaler-only charges - we have reduced the cost of the wholesaler-only funded element of the Data Assurance Service to £430k (a reduction of £120k).

These reductions follow a detailed review of delivery plans, efficiency opportunities and further commercial negotiations with our third-party supplier. We recognise the cost pressures on trading parties but are clear that further cost reductions are not possible without compromising on the scope of our improvement programmes or the value they will provide to the market and its customers.

For full transparency, we have published a summary of responses from the consultation along with the full anonymised responses. Details of the changes made to our final plan can be found in the summary document and on page 43 of the business plan.

Voting on the plan will run from 14 February - 29 February. A separate voting form and Notice of the General Meeting (taking place at 3pm on 29 February) has now been sent to Contract Managers and nominated delegates.

If you have any questions on our 2024-27 Business Plan, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you have not received a voting form or Notice of the General meeting, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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