Holistic Peer Comparison Reports
Holistic reporting is a new means of monitoring and comparing retailers and wholesalers across a range of measures, to provide a holistic view of trading party performance. It will assess their performance by drawing from data across a variety of performance indicators, such as Market Performance and Operational Performance Standards (MPS and OPS) and Additional Performance Indicators (APIs). The purpose of holistic reporting is to represent retailer and wholesaler performance in specific areas of the market, drawing on metrics selected from the range of Market Charts available on the MOSL website.
It also supports the Market Performance Committee's (MPC) priority to 'proactively monitor market and individual trading parties’ performance and, use appropriate indicators, to prioritise rectification based on areas of poor performance which have the greatest detriment to customer outcomes.'
Why introduce holistic reporting?
- Holistic reporting is a way to review performance of market participants across a range of measures in one place
- Measures within the tables include defined standards (MPS and OPS) and APIs, developed and implemented in discussion with the MPC.
Within each performance area, each trading party's performance is reported as a percentage. Performance is assessed against trading party peers and the comparison is used to place a trading party within a set quartile: the top quartile (representing best performance) is coloured light green and the lowest quartile (representing the worst performance) is coloured dark red. The percentage scores are used to rank a trading party within that performance area and the ranking across all areas will generate the overall ranking for the trading party within their peer group.
Retailer performance areas are different from the wholesaler performance areas. An explanation of each area can be found within the 'About' section of the tables on MyCharts, or underneath the tables on the wholesaler and retailer webpages. Retailers and wholesalers can also access an interactive set of the reports on My MOSL. The holistic reporting metrics can be explored further in the range of market charts available on our website.
Peer Benchmarking
The following indicators will be utilised to determine performance and peer comparison:
- Specific key and / or customer driven Market Performance Standards (MPS)
- Specific key and / or customer driven Operational Performanace Standards (OPS)
- APIs such as Data Quality, Long Unread Meters and Vacancy
- Measure of Experience Surveys.
Retailer measurements
There are six retailer indicators:
- Retailer meter reading
- Long Unread Meters (LUMs)
- Vacancy with consumption
- Data Quality
- Complaints to Retailer
- Complaints to CCW
The holistic peer comparison table presents retailer performance against each individual indicator. Performance is split into four performance quartiles. For details of the definition, rationale and measurements please refer to the Introduction to Holistic Peer Comparison Reporting document.
Wholesaler measurements
There are eleven wholesaler indicators:
- OPS metering and verification
- OPS customer service and disconnection
- MPS new connections and meter reads
- Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) completeness
- Valuation Office Agency (VOA) reference number completeness
- GIS data issues
- Long Term Vacancy (LTV) percentage
- Legacy LUMs percentage (LLUM)
- Wholesaler LUM (WLUM)
- Bilateral Days Past SLA
- R-MeX
The holistic peer comparison table presents wholesaler performance against each individual indicator. Performance is split into four performance quartiles. For details of the definition, rationale and measurements please refer to the Introduction to Holistic Peer Comparison Reporting document.