Holistic Retailer Tables
To find out more about the measures being used in these tables, click the 'Retailer Measures' link on the right.
Colours on these charts are assigned based on quartiles (light blue representing the highest performing quartile; dark blue representing the lowest).
The tables were updated in September 2024
The reporting periods for the information in the below tables are as follows:
- Reporting period for retailers - August 2024
- MPS reporting Period - May 2024 to July 2024
- CCW Reporting Period - January 2024 to March 2024
If you require a more accessible version of these tables, trading parties can view the Holistic Reporting dashboard in My MOSL. Otherwise, please contact comms@mosl.co.uk.
Retailers with more than 5,000 SPIDs
Retailers with fewer than 5,000 SPIDs
Self Supply and NAV Retailers
Retailer measures
MPS Score
This area summarises the retailer’s abilities to read meters within the prescribed timeframes.100 per cent performance in this area would indicate that the retailer has read all meters according to their defined schedule. Retailers are responsible for completing actions (e.g. taking meter readings) in a timely fashion. However, the ability for retailers to complete these tasks can be impacted by matters outside of their control. This includes, for example, where meters can’t be read due to outstanding bilateral requests or where retailers can’t get access to internal meters.
Why is this important? Regular and timely reading of meters enables retailers to offer a more accurate bill rather than estimating water consumption.
MPS Calculation Challenges
MOSL is in the process of investigating a number of challenges raised by a trading party over the accuracy of calculation against Market Performance Standards (MPS).
At this stage, based on the investigations performed to date, MOSL does not consider that there is sufficient evidence of any material error in MPS calculations which would require a suspension in related charges or performance reporting.
This matter was noted at Market Performance Committee meeting 72 and further information can be found in the related paper - MPC72_11
Data Quality Score
This area represents an element of the retailer/customer relationship. Retailers are expected to maintain accurate customer details to enable them to accurately address bills. 100 per cent performance in this area would indicate that the retailer has recorded a customer name against all its customers and not opted for the use of “the occupier”, “the customer” or left the name blank.
Why is this important? High performance in this area provides assurance that elements of customer details will not be lost if the customer switches retailers. Even if the customer details are correct on the retailers own billing/CRM system, if they are not entered into the Central Market Operating System (CMOS), then the receiving retailer may not be able to provide a continuing level of service excellence.
Vacant with Consumption Score
This measure tracks vacant premises which are showing evidence of noticeable water usage. 100 per cent performance in this area would indicate that the retailer has identified all premises which receive water supplies for which a customer is not receiving a bill and resolved any anomalies. However, there are scenarios whereby a vacant premises will show water being used. This includes, for example, vacant premises which require the periodic running of taps or similar water usage (for health and safety reasons) to the extent that the volume of water used might suggest occupancy.
Why is this important? Retailers will be able to save water by arranging the repair of leaks at the premises (if it is unoccupied) or be able to manage the occupant as an established customer before the levels of consumption generate a substantial bill.
Long Unread Meter Score
A Long Unread Meter (LUM) is defined as a meter that remains unread for more than 12 months. This measure tracks how many LUMs the retailer has in the market. 100 per cent performance in this area would indicate that the retailer has read all the meters for which it is responsible (not including those that have not been read since the market opened – see LLUM) at least once in the last 12 months. As with the MPS Score, the ability for retailers to complete some of these tasks can be impacted by matters outside of their control. This includes, for example, where meters can’t be read due to outstanding bilateral requests or where retailers can’t get access to internal meters.
Why is this important? An inaccurate meter could result in a customer receiving an inaccurately estimated bill if the consumption calculations are reliant on estimated meter reads. If a retailer had no long unread meters, settlement at the final reconciliation run (RF) would be 100 per cent based on actual reads. This supports accurate settlement and accurate billing. If a read is missed, then previous reads would assist in a more accurate estimation of consumption and increases the likelihood that any estimate is more accurate compared to a meter with an aged read history.
Complaints to Retailer/CCW
This area of performance is only applicable for retailers with more than 5,000 customers and represents the number of complaints received for every 10,000 meters managed by the retailer. High performance in this area (i.e. a score of 0) indicates that the retailer provides levels of service, including billing, that has resulted in no customer complaints. The quartiles for these areas are determined by CCW. More information can be found on the CCW website. The quartiles are influenced by the scores achieved by Dwr Cymru and Hafren Dyfrdwy. These retailers have fewer than 5,000 customers and their performance in the other Additional Performance Indicators (APIs) is therefore not represented alongside the larger retailers.
“Complaints to Retailer” captures complaints made by the customer to the retailer. “Complaints to CCW” captures complaints which were escalated to CCW or were submitted by a customer directly to CCW without reference to the retailer.
Why is this important? The Market Performance Framework aims to drive positive customer outcomes. Low levels of complaints help to confirm that this aim is being achieved.