Holistic Wholesaler Tables
To find out more about the measures used in these tables, click the 'Wholesaler Measures' link on the right.
Colours on these charts are assigned based on quartiles (light blue representing the highest performing quartile; dark blue representing the lowest).
The tables were updated in January 2025
The reporting periods for the information in the below tables are as follows:
- Reporting period for wholesalers - December 2024
- OPS and MPS reporting Period - September 2024 to November 2024
- R-MeX reporting period - August 2024
Wholesalers with more than 1,000 supply points
Wholesalers with fewer than 1,000 supply points and NAV wholesalers
Wholesaler measures
Operational Performance Standard (OPS) Metering Score
This area summarises the wholesaler’s abilities to carry out metering activities and verification of meter details and supply arrangements within the prescribed timeframes. 100 per cent performance in this area would indicate that the wholesaler has completed all meter installation / replacement and verification activities within the assigned Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
Why is it important? Timely completion of these activities by wholesalers enables retailers to present bills that are more accurate than if they were based on estimated water consumption.
OPS Customer service and disconnection score
This area summarises the wholesaler’s abilities to carry out customer service related and water supply disconnection activities within the prescribed timeframes. Timely completion of these activities is key to the retailer being able to provide a good service to its customers and limiting retailer exposure to debt. 100 per cent performance in this area would indicate that the wholesaler has provided substantive responses to complaints referred to it by the retailer and applications for allowances against the customer’s bill and completed all temporary disconnection for non-payment requests.
Why is it important? Timely completion of these activities by wholesalers enables retailers to offer a better more responsive service to its customers and limit its exposure to debt incurred through non-payment of bills.
Market Performance Standard (MPS) Customer Service and Disconnection Score
This area summarises the wholesaler’s abilities to read meters where this is their responsibility, and to complete new supply connection information within the prescribed timeframes. 100 per cent performance in this area would indicate that the wholesaler has read all applicable meters and completed all new connection activities e.g. all meters that have been replaced during that month have received a final meter reading.
Why is it important? Timely creation of new supply connections and timely and accurate meter reads are key to providing the customer with the correct bill. These are recognised as key processes affecting customer outcomes as they introduce new customers to the retail market and impact timely and accurate billing.
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) Score
The UPRN is a unique identifier assigned to premises. High performance in this area would mean that there is increased likelihood of all properties eligible for the non-household (NHH) market being accounted for and billed when occupied. However, it is not always possible to achieve 100 per cent in this area, as supply points do not have UPRNs, for example in water troughs.
Why is it important? UPRNs are an important element in verifying eligibility, ensuring address accuracy and validating occupancy status. Lack of UPRNs creates unnecessary costs to retailers and operational inefficiency.
Valuation Office Agency (VOA) Score
This area calculates performance based as the percentage of premises that have data recorded in the VOA on CMOS, as a percentage of all premises managed by the wholesaler. 100 per cent performance in this area would mean that all customer premises have a VOA. However, it is not always possible to achieve 100 per cent in this area as some supply points do not have VOA data, for example, water troughs.
Why is it important? The VOA details help identify the customer within the premises and supports verification of occupancy and eligibility for the non-household market.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Score
A GIS score is a framework for gathering, managing, and analysing location data. The API is calculated as the percentage of meters that present with credible GIS data on CMOS as a percentage of all meters managed by the wholesaler. Poor performance in this measure highlights GIS coordinates that are potentially inaccurate/erroneous. 100 per cent performance in this area would mean that all meters show no indication of potentially erroneous GIS data. Discretion must be exercised with this API as, although a number of meters present at a single set of co-ordinates may be indicative of imprecise and arbitrary assignment of GIS data, it equally might be representative of a grouping of meters which serve multiple customers in a single premises (e.g. in the basement of an office block).
Why is it important? GIS helps identify the meter location which supports retailers in successfully reading meters and provides for accurate settlement of primary charges and customer billing based on meter reads.
Long Term Vacant (LTV) Score
A premises is defined as LTV when it has been vacant for six consecutive years and there has been no consumption identified. 100 per cent performance in this area would mean that none of a wholesaler’s premises have been vacant for that length of time. There may be valid reasons why a wholesaler cannot take a LTV premises out of the market, especially if the managing agent of that premises has intentions to redevelop/ re-occupy it and therefore a score of 100 per cent may not be possible.
Why is it important? Reduction of LTV helps identify customers and provides more accurate data on supply points in the market including identification of premises that should no longer be in the market.
Legacy Long Unread Meter (LLUM) Score
A LLUM is a meter which has not been read since the market opened in 2017. The LLUM percentage is calculated as the number of LLUM meters, within both vacant and occupied premises, as a percentage of all meters managed by the wholesaler. 100 per cent performance in this area would mean that all of the wholesalers’ meters have been read at least once since market opening.
Why is it important? The measurement of LLUMs supports accurate customer billing and accurate settlement and places focus on those meters with an aging read history.
Wholesale Long Unread Meter Score
A Wholesaler Long Unread Meter (WLUM) is defined as a Long Unread Meter (LUM) against which an open bilateral Operational Request ID (ORID) for a meter verification or repair is outstanding. Once the ORID is closed the WLUM is returned to the retailer’s list of LUMs. Once the retailer reads the meter (or enters the W Read which may have been supplied by the wholesaler on completion of the request) then it will be removed from the retailer’s LUM list. The holistic reports therefore represent the number of WLUMs recorded against a wholesaler as a percentage of all tradeable water SPIDs recorded against the wholesaler, and then multiplies that figure by the average number of days since those WLUMs were last read to determine wholesaler rankings. A WLUM which has been deferred will be returned to the retailer’s list of LUMs and will not be counted in this metric
Why is it important? This Additional Performance Indicator aims to keep the focus on resolving the WLUMs, even if the wholesaler has comparatively few WLUMs recorded against it.
Days Past SLA
The Days Past SLA metric expresses a wholesaler’s late tasks as a percentage of all open tasks, and then multiplies that by the average of the number of days that all late tasks have exceeded their Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
Why is it important? The purpose of the Days Past SLA metric API is to drive a positive customer outcome by reducing not only late deliveries of requests, but also the overall lateness of these requests.
Retailer Measure of Experience (R-MeX) Score
The R-MeX is a biannual survey which provides a quantitative, as well as qualitative, measurement of wholesaler service. Retailers are asked to score wholesalers in six key areas: responsiveness; communication; data quality; systems and notifications; engagement; and financial policies. High performance in this area would indicate that a strong working relationship exists between a wholesaler and a retailer which would underpin positive customer outcomes.
Why is it important? Customers do not typically have a direct relationship with the incumbent wholesaler. Customers are reliant on their retailer to represent their interests in areas such as locating or repairing meters or handling complaints and strong R-MeX scores give the customers confidence that such requirements are likely to be managed efficiently.