Peer Comparison League Tables

These tables take trading parties and arranges them based on their performance against the Market and Operational Performance Standards (MPS and OPS). To make the data more meaningful, you will see that we have segmented trading parties into five groups and have used a clear colour-coding to indicate who sits in the upper andu202flower quartiles of trading party performance.

You can find the most recent peer comparison league tables from 2021-22 below: 


The last 12 months have been a period of ‘getting back to normal’ for the water industry as COVID-19 restrictions eased. It has been encouraging to see that performance and task volumes for the most part have returned to, and in some cases exceeded, pre-pandemic levels. The last six months of the year we have seen performance levels remain consistently good overall.

The market-wide performance for each category has remained stable with slight fluctuations when compared to the first six months of the year. As such, there has been very little movement within the tables. Trading parties have seen a slight increase in performance across the market, however, in most cases these have not caused large movements in the positions achieved within the tables that we have seen in the past.

It is important to point out that while there is limited movement in the tables below, there has been significant improvement across the market when comparing the last full year league tables with this year’s performance.

Table showing MPS performance with all retailers with more than 5000 SPIDs. Shows Water2Business ranking first, Everflow ranking second. Also shows Castle Water ranking ninth and Clear Business Water ranking 10th.

 Table showing MPS performance of all retailers with under 5000 SPIDs for financial year 2021-22 and April-September 2021. Shows Dwr Cymru ranking 1st, ADSM ranking 2nd in the 2021-22 Financial Year, The Water Retail Company ranking 2nd in April-September 2021, Yu Water ranking 8th in FY 2021-22 and 9th in April-September 2021 and Hafren Dyfrdwy ranking 8th in April-September 2021 and 9th in FY 2021-22.

To note:

  • Veolia Water Retail UK Limited have only performed against the MPS standards since May 2021
  • Regent Water is in the process of leaving the Market therefore "Tasks per 1k SPIDs" cannot be calculated as they no longer have any SPIDs

Table showing MPS performance of all self-supply retailers and NAVs. Showing Marson's, Blackpool Borough Council, Greene King and Sefton Council as the top four performers in FY 2021-22. Also showing J Sainsbury, Marston's, Sefton Council and Blackpool Borough Council as the top four performers in April-September 2021. Independent Water Networks, Arla Foods, Nottingham CIty Council and LEEP Utilities were the four worst performers in FY 2021-22. Veolia Water Projects, Independent Water Networks, Nottingham City Council and Leep Utilities were the worst four performers in April-September 2021.

To note:

  • Performance is shown to two decimal places due to the top 4 performers all achieving 99.5%
  • Albion Eco, Albion Water, Coca-Cola and Icosa Water Services have been excluded due to low task volumes
  • Arla Foods Limited have only performed against the MPS standards since July 2021
  • David Lloyd Leisure Limited have been excluded as they have only performed against MPS since February 2022
  • Waterscan Limited has been excluded due to temporary activity against the org-ID

Table showing MPS performance on wholesalers (WaSCs) for FY 2021-22 and April-September 2021. Showing Yorkshire Water ranking first, Anglian Water ranking second, Northumbrian Water ranking 8th for FY 2021-22 and 9th for April-September 2021, and Southern Water Services ranking 9th for FY 2021-22 and 8th for April-September 2021.

To note: 

  • Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, Hafren Dyfrdwy, Icosa Water Services, Independent Water Networks, Leep Utiliies and Veolia Water Projects have been excluded due to low task volumes.

Table showing MPS performance for wholesalers (WoCs). Portsmouth Water ranks as the best performing, and Sutton and South East Surrey ranks as the poorest performing.

Table showing OPS performance for wholesalers (WaSCs) for FY 2021-22 and April-September 2021. Shows Anglian Water ranking 1st, United Utilities ranking 2nd. Southern Water are ranked 8th for April-September 2021, Severn Trent Water are 8th in FY 2021-22, and Northumbrian Water are 9th for both.

To note: 

  • Unlike MPS, all OPS data is self reported and is not sourced through CMOS. The C1 performance data from the bilateral hub is not included in these tables.
  • Trade effluent sampling tasks, G4a and G4b, have been excluded from the 'Total tasks completed' column due to their high volumes.
  • Dwr Cymru Welsh Water have been excluded due to low task volume.

Table showing OPS performance of wholesaler (WoCs) for FY 2021-22 and April-September 2021. Portsmouth Water is ranked as best performing and South East Water is ranked as worst performing.


Table showing regional MPS performance of retailers with more than 5,000 between April 2021-March 2022.

See enlarged image here. If you require this table in a more accessible format, please email

To note: 

  • The following Wholesalers have been excluded: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, Icosa Water Services, Independent Water Networks, Leep Utilities, and Veolia Water Projects.

Table showing regional MPS performance for retailers with less than 5000 SPIDs from April 2021-March 2022.

See enlarged image here. If you require this table in a more accessible format, please email

To note: 

  • The Retailers Hafren Dyfrdwy and Dwr Cymru Welsh Water have been excluded. LEEP Utilities has also been excluded due to low volumes.

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