Bilaterals Forums
This section explains the various groups through which MOSL enages with its members. For Terms of Reference of the advisory groups including member, please click here.
MOSL engages with its members regarding the Bilateral Transactions Programme through four advisory groups. It also provides regular updates via other forums, including the Retailer Wholesaler Group (RWG) and User Forum (see below).
MOSL shares and iterates high-level designs and principles with the four working groups in the first instance, before moving into more detailed discussions. Working with a sub-set of market participants initially to get their input and feedback on ideas and proposed solutions allows more detailed discussions and faster turnaround than would be possible with some of our larger groups (e.g. the Operational Release Working Group (ORWG)). The output is then shared across all market participants for their input, either for information or for more formal feedback where the bilateral hub may fundamentally change a market process.
MOSL is keen to ensure that the advisory groups are as representative of the market as possible. We would like to remind participants that would like to engage more closely with MOSL but are unable to do so that the groups are purely advisory bodies. In the event of an imbalance in industry representation that is considered to be an issue, MOSL will encourage other members to participate in the group and/or get input from any under-represented sector(s) on an informal or ad-hoc basis, prior to sharing proposals more widely.
For more information, or to discuss joining one of the groups below, please email the relevant contact below. To receive notifications of meetings and meeting outputs, even if you do not attend a particular meeting, please subscribe to the appropriate mailing list(s). Please remember to check and update your preferences regularly to ensure you are receiving all the information you need.
Advisory groups and other forums
Meeting | Frequency | Format | Members | Purpose | Chair |
Operational Advisory Group (OAG) | Twice monthly (1st & 3rd Thursdays) | Microsoft Teams | 8 | Subject matter experts who engage with MOSL to test assumptions around operational-related changes to the bilateral programme. Advisory input to the Codes Advisory Group (CAG). | MOSL |
Code Advisory Group | Convenes when code changes are proposed | Microsoft Teams | 6 | The Code Advisory Group will review any code changes relating to the Bilaterals Programme. | MOSL |
Technology Advisory Group | Every two months | Microsoft Teams | 15 | New group. The TAG helps advise and inform MOSL’s digital and data strategy and to understand the practical ‘real world’ implications of its proposals on market participants’ technology roadmaps. The first priority for the TAG will be to feed back on MOSL’s proposals for a technical solution to the Bilaterals Programme. | MOSL |
Pathfinder Group | Monthly: 1st and 3rd Thursdays | Microsoft Teams | 8 | Members of the Pathfinder Group work with MOSL to test and pilot each release of new features of the bilateral transactions hub and provide feedback to support and guide the successful delivery of key objectives. | MOSL |
Retailer Wholesaler Group (RWG) | Twice yearly Sub-groups usually meet monthly | Microsoft Teams | c70 | The RWG meets to tackle the big market operational issues and make changes/share good practice to improve overall customer service in the market. | MOSL |
User Forum | At least once a quarter | Microsoft Teams | Varies (applies to all) | The User Forum is open to all trading parties and meets to identify, resolve and document market risk, challenge or required action. It provides a collaborative environment in which the risks, challenges and strategic operations for trading parties can be identified and constructively progressed. As such, the User Forum will include regular updates regarding the Bilateral Transactions Programme. | MOSL |
Operations and Release Working Group (ORWG) | Bi-monthly | Microsoft Teams | c40 | Main working-level technical meeting comprising members of the Programme Group to engage with market participants to review process or data quality issues that affect market operation. Provides detailed technical updates to IT Subject Matter Experts to ensure trading party IT Technical delivery plans are aligned with MOSL Release Plans. No decision making authority unless specifically asked to do so. |
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Click here for advisory group terms of reference, membership etc.