Programme Phases

To support trading parties in reviewing and assuring data in a consistent and coordinated way, the Data Assurance Service has been split into programme phases.

For each phase, we work with the programme Working Group to gather the requirements around the scope and design. We then take this for approval to the programme Steering Group. Once agreed, we pilot each phase with the Working Group as a way of testing the service so that we can make incremental improvements before its launched to the wider market. 

Below sets out each of the programme phases in order of delivery.

Phase 1: Market Eligibility

The first phase of the Data Assurance Service focuses on the eligibility of suppy points in the market with a view to removing ineligible premises, such as household properties or demolished sites.

Removing ineligible premises from the market reduces retailers' cost to serve and provides a better service to customers. The more accurate the data stored in the Central Market Operating System (CMOS), the smoother the market can operate.

The Market Eligibility phase involves trading parties reviewing and assuring or deregistering supply points that are considered ineligible for the market.

Trading parties are provided CMOS data which has been matched against external datasets (using a matching criteria) and then grouped into assurance levels: Levels 1, 2 or 3. Level 1 data provides the highest level of confidence, based on the matching criteria, that the supply points are ineligible for the market and need deregistering. Whilst trading parties have access to the entire dataset, they are only required to review the ‘Level 1’ supply points. 

We use My Files (available via My MOSL) to manage assurance activities. Trading parties review the data uploaded by MOSL to My Files and jointly assure them within their wholesaler/retailer pairings. They then submit the reviewed data to MOSL monthly by reuploading to My Files. MOSL collates the reviewed supply points and provides a market and trading party level view of the results i.e. how many supply points have been deregistered. These results are provided as part of the quarterly Data Quality Audits (DQAs) and are available via the dedicated dashboard on My Charts.

The full process is outlined within the specification document, which is available via the Key documents page

If you require access to My Files or have any questions on the programme, please contact IT Support via My MOSL.

Phase 2: Address and Premises Data

The second phase of the Data Assurance Service focuses on improving the address and premises data of supply points in CMOS. Improving these data fields makes it easier for retailers to serve customers, including finding and reading meters. 

The activities are focused on identifying missing or incorrect Unique Property Reference Number (URPN), Valuation Office Agency (VOA) data and address field data to improve the quality and consistency of information provided for each supply point. 

Working with the data services provider, MOSL matches CMOS data against external datasets (such as Address Based Premium (ABP)) to identify any discrepencies in the information i.e. address line or postal sector. This data is then shared with trading parties to review. 

MOSL is currently piloting Phase 2 with the programme Working Group to test the data and process before launching more widely with the market. 

If you would like to receive communications regarding the programme, lease ensure you are signed up to receive 'Data Insight and Analytics' emails from MOSL, by subscribing to our mailing list.

Working Group slides and minutes are available on the programme's Key Documents page.

Phase 3: Customer and occupancy 

The third phase of the Data Assurance Service is focused on improving customer and occupancy data in CMOS. By improving customer data, retailers can better service customers and understand any changes in occupancy that may impact customer billing. Improving customer data will also provide a better customer experience in the event or planned or unplanned events.

We are currently gathering requirements for this phase with the programme Working Group. Please see the Programme Timeline for more information on the timing of this phase.

Related projects: Project TIDE and the Data Quality Assessment

Project TIDE (Transformation in Data Enrichment) was established in April 2022 by MOSL and Sagacity to assess the quality of premises, address, and customer data within CMOS.

Sagacity, undertook a Data Quality Assessment, which reinforced the extent of the issues in core market data. Key findings were shared with trading parties and the wider market in August 2022, with further detail on the impact of poor data quality provided in the Data Cleanse Consultation document issued in November.

To review the full findings, read the published report.

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