MPF Team and Governance

The Market Performance Framework (MPF) reform programme is being led by the MOSL MPF programme team working with trading parties through the Performance Advisory Group (PAG). This section includes details of the team(s) and the wider governance framework.

Programme Board

The programme is overseen by a dedicated Portfolio Board and Steering Group, membership of which is as follows (see below). The programme is overseen by the MOSL Board.

Portfolio Board
Sarah McMath - CEO and Chair
John Gilbert - Head of Planning and Project Management
Adam Richardson - Director of Market Development
Steve Formoy - Finance Director
Angela Day - Head of People
Lyvia Nabarro - Head of Market Engagement and Communications

Programme Team
Miles Robinson - Programme Lead (planning)
Evan Joanette - Programme Lead (content)
Sauda Dickinson - Programme Support
Adrian Smith - Communications Lead
Janet Judge - Market Improvement Lead
Oli Robins - Market Improvement Lead
Chris Dawson - PAG and CAG chair

If you would like to contact the MOSL MPF reform programme team, please email

Steering Group

Sarah McMath - CEO, MOSL (Chair)
Cliff Kamara - MOSL Board representative
John Gilbert - MOSL Programme Director 
Mike Keil - CCW representative
Shaun Kent - Ofwat representative
Paul Smith - Strategic Panel independent member (appointed by the Strategic Panel) 
Michael Rathbone - Wholesaler member (appointed by the Strategic Panel) 
Neil Pendle - Retailer member (appointed by the Strategic Panel)

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